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Lukashenko praises agricultural practices of Grodno Oblast

Lukashenko praises agricultural practices of Grodno Oblast

Arable farming and agricultural production in Grodno Oblast can be an example for the entire country, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said during his working trip to Grodno Oblast, BelTA informs.

The head of state noted that on his way to Grodno District he had an opportunity to assess the state of affairs in the region, including when he was flying over it on a helicopter.

According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, ministers and the deputy prime minister should study agricultural practices of Grodno Oblast and implement them throughout Belarus. “We just need to scale up what we see here,” the head of state said.

However, upon arrival in Grodno District, the president voiced some critical remarks concerning straw harvesting and soil preparation. “I see that you are preparing the soil for sowing winter crops all over western Belarus. It is desirable to prepare more soil for sowing winter crops. When the soil is ready, you can plant crops anytime. The main thing is to do everything on time,” he said.

Yet, the head of state praised local agricultural workers by and large. “Perfect job. Well done. Responsible people, competent company managers,” the president emphasized.

Aleksandr Lukashenko recalled that Grodno Oblast was the best region in the Soviet Union. “I admired you, the way you worked. And I tried to implement these practices in the very east of the country. I learned farming here, in Grodno Oblast,” he said recalling his work as an agricultural company chief.

The impression was strikingly different when Aleksandr Lukashenko came to the region right after his election as president. “Grodno Oblast was the first place I visited as president. It was hard to believe that all the achievements were eroded just within 1.5-2 years [after the collapse of the USSR]. It was very disheartening,” the head of state recalled.

He noted that it was the reason why he appointed Aleksandr Dubko, his challenger in the first presidential election and head of one of the best farms, Grodno Oblast governor. “I remember how hard it was to reshape and revitalize the once best region in the country,” the president said.

BelTA – News from Belarus

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