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Volfovich: Belarus' southern border is protected from sabotage groups, radicals, and weapons

Volfovich: Belarus' southern border is protected from sabotage groups, radicals, and weapons

State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus Aleksandr Volfovich visited Grodno Oblast on 23 March, BelTA has learned.

Aleksandr Volfovich is also the president's authorized representative for Grodno Oblast. He met with professors, lecturers, and teachers of higher education and secondary education institutions, discussed the public and political situation and the social and economic situation in the region, and gave answers to pressing questions.

Close attention was paid to the situation in Ukraine as well as to obvious misinformation being spread by destructive forces in the information space. Aleksandr Volfovich once again underlined that Belarus' Armed Forces are not participating and do not intend to participate in combat operations in Ukraine's territory.

“We cover our southern border against the infiltration of sabotage and reconnaissance groups, radicals, and weapons into the country,” the official said. “As for multiple fake news about the alleged ongoing large-scale mobilization in our country, the ‘sources in the know' are as usual slightly confused. The spring campaign to draft people for active military service has begun. Apart from that, 150 reservist officers will be recalled to active duty this year. These are planned events, which are held every year. There is nothing extraordinary about it.”

BelTA – News from Belarus

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